Seeking a Pediatric Dentist in North Idaho!

$180,000 - $220,000 yearly
Full time Pediatric Dentist

What are some features of your dental practice?


  • Our office is a multi-generation pediatric dental practice that has served the community for almost 50 years. 
  • We have two offices locations – Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint. 
  • We have a mix of young and veteran staff with a family atmosphere. 
  • We are looking for someone to maintain and grow the long-standing good reputation and care provided in our community these past 50yrs. 
  • Mentorship will be an important part of the longevity for new grads and as well as team building and alignment for veteran dentists. 
  • There is an expectation to be involved in the community and develop a rapport with our families and medical community. 
  • We provide all pediatric dental procedures along with orthodontics, airway treatment, Invisalign, laser therapies, in-office moderate sedation and in-office general anesthesia. 


  • We are looking for a Full time Pediatric Dentist 4 days/week and approximately 48 weeks/year.  Those 4 days would be worked out over a Monday-Friday work week.


  • $1,000-$1,200 per day (guarantee for 6mo) and/or 30-35% of adjusted production
  • 4 days/week for 48 weeks per year = $180k-220k per year
  • $2k/year for CE
  • Full Time Employee Benefits of 52% Insurance Paid and 3% 401k Contribution


  • Beautiful North Idaho, Voted as one of the most desirable places to live in the US. 
  • An outdoorsmen’s oasis, with Mountains and Lakes, 4 seasons with moderate temps
  • Plenty of outdoor activities for all 4 seasons (Boating, Hiking, Biking, Climbing, Fishing, Hunting, Alpine and Nordic Skiing, Snowmobiling all within minutes of town)
  • 30 minutes from Spokane Washington, and 5 hours from Seattle.   

Daily Guarantee


What procedures will the associate be doing?


  • Expected procedures performed at start date; Pediatric Operative procedures (not including RCT), Hygiene checks, New Patient Exams, Oral Sedation, General Anesthesia, Nutrition and Caries Counseling
  • Willing to grow in orthodontic treatment and airway awareness and diagnosis.