General Dentist Superstar (3-5 Years Experience Needed)

$200,000 - $250,000 yearly
Full time GP

What are some features of your dental practice?

We love technology and thoughtfully using technology to provide the best dental treatment possible - we believe this is a huge benefit to the patient AND the provider and dental team. We have two iTero scanners, one Medit scanner and one Trios scanner and we use them all day every day. We use our Fotona Lightwalker AT for laser periodontal and restorative dentistry, as well as for facial cosmetics, sleep apnea treatment, and reduction of post-surgery discomfort. We use our Mectron Piezosurgery unit for sinus augmentation, atraumatic extractions, and grafting. We have a CBCT with endo-speed capabilities so we provide top quality diagnostics for our patients. We utilize a 3D printer for fabrication of full-arch provisionals, night guards, and surgical guides. And our newest addition is a full-size wet/dry completely automated lab mill which is capable of milling everything from acrylic to e.max to zirconia to chromium-cobalt. We can't wait to show you all of our gadgets!

Another feature that differentiates us from other offices is our culture. We have worked on providing a culture focused on love, caring, and empathy. We love getting together for office happy hours, rock climbing and axe throwing parties, and other casual ways to unwind together as a work fam! Our latest adventure is going to be a Murder Mystery at Valley Dental Health!

We also believe that we should always be learning. We have practice coaches that provide training on how to be an excellent team, but also on personal goals and development within the team. 


Daily Guarantee


What procedures will the associate be doing?

Valley Dental Health sets the standard for a modern dentist with a focus on the patient AND the dental dream team. This means that clinical procedures are nearly limitless. In addition to excellent restorative care, here are just a few of the advanced procedures you might be interested in providing at Valley Dental Health:

  • cosmetic smile makeovers using a fully-digital workflow
  • endodontics using CBCT analysis and a microscope
  • laser-assisted periodontal therapy
  • implant surgery and restoration
  • piezo surgery 
  • bone grafting and soft tissue grafting with L-PRF
  • botulinum toxin for esthetics and TMD
  • dermal fillers
  • fixed and removable prosthetics
  • comprehensive dentistry with IV sedation or general anesthesia
  • sleep dentistry
  • laser dentistry 
  • limitless other options...

We also focus on team development and leader mentorship through team trainings and office-wide coaching.

In order to make the most out of a doctor's experience at VDH, we feel that previous private practice experience and/or AGD/GPR experience is crucial! We are not a stepping stone, we are a destination!