$200,000 - $250,000 yearly
Lincoln Dental Arts
Abilene, KS, USA
33% of Collections : Averages $18,000–$20,000 per month for 3-4 days per week.
Daily Guarantee : $800 per day.
This brand-new dental office location offers significant growth potential, as Abilene is in dire need of dentists. Twenty years ago, the community had seven dentists; today, it has only 1.5, with no population change.
$2,000 per year for CE.
KDA annual dues paid.
Malpractice insurance fully covered.
Employer contribution to monthly health insurance premiums.
About the Practice: This stunning office was constructed in a historic vacant building, featuring:
Lofted ceilings, concrete floors, raw wood trim, glass operatory doors, and exposed brick walls, creating a unique and inviting ambiance.
Cutting-edge technology: CBCT 3D imaging, in-office milling, 3D printing, intra-oral scanners and cameras, digital X-rays, and Dentrix software.
The practice serves Abilene’s population of 6,500 and a large surrounding...